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Full Lent & Triduum Schedule
February 16, 2024

Full Lent & Triduum Schedule

Mission Masses

Tuesdays, 7pm, confessions after

February 20: Prayer
February 27: Humility
March 5: Forgiveness
March 12: Healing
March 19: Feast of St. Joseph & Sharing of Bread


Stations of the Cross:

Fridays, 7pm

February 16: Way of the Cross
February 23: Way of the Cross
March 1: Stations in the Dark
March 8: Dramatic Stations
March 15: Stations with Mary
March 22: Way of the Cross
March 29, 3pm, with Youth Group

Movie Night

March 2, 6:30pm, Ministry Center

Free! Pizza, drinks, and popcorn provided
RSVP by Noon on March 2


Tuesday, March 26, 9-11am, 8pm-?

Saturdays, 4pm
Anytime by Appointment

Tenebrae & Taize

March 26, 7pm

Holy Thursday

March 28
Morning Prayer, 8am
Celebration of the Lord’s Supper, 7pm
Adoration until Midnight

Good Friday

March 29
Morning Prayer, 8am
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, 7pm

Holy Saturday

March 30
Morning Prayer, 8am
Easter Vigil, 7:45pm, Gym

Easter Sunday

Sunday, March 31
6am, 7:30am, 9am Church & Gym, 11am Church & Gym