New Candidate Journeys


Who is Jesus Christ? 

This Sunday we will delve into who Jesus Christ is. Historians have never denied Jesus’ earthly existence and have established the approximate date and place of His birth as well as the circumstances surrounding His crucifixion. The real question is whether Jesus is God — whether His miracles, teachings, death and resurrection have real and lasting meaning for all humanity. Today’s session will use John’s Gospel to reveal that Jesus described Himself as the Bread of Life, the Good Shepherd, the Light of the World, The Messiah, and…the Way and the Truth and the Life. 

Jesus is the Way — Jesus claimed to be the way to God and the complete fulfillment of Jewish teachings and prophecies.  Jesus’ identity and role can be difficult to understand and accept — yet over thousands of years, billions of people around the globe have called themselves followers of Christ. They changed their lives because of it; some lost their lives because of it. “To confess that Jesus is Lord is distinctive of Christian faith.”  (CCC 202) 

Jesus is the Truth — Jesus didn’t say “I speak the truth” or “I reveal the truth” — He said “I am the Truth”. As son of Mary and Son of God, Jesus’ human and divine natures cannot be separated. Throughout scripture His every word, every action, every gesture and every emotion is full of meaning and truth.

Jesus is the Life — The greatest treasure we have is life itself. Our earthly life is fragile, limited, and temporary but Christ offers us Everlasting Life when we accept His invitation to be united to Him. 

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus performs miracles - curing the sick, multiplying food, raising the dead. He did not do this to show off his power, or to be impressive or to dominate us. Jesus’ miracles were signs of his divinity and mission, an affirmation of faith!

Knowledge of who Jesus is leads us into a personal relationship with Him. Encountering Jesus in scripture, the sacraments and prayer opens our hearts to His love and a deeper desire to follow Him. Being Christ-centered helps us live the way Jesus showed us by treating everyone we meet on our journey with love, respect and kindness.