Parish Office Phone Numbers

Office Phone: 636-397-1440 ext. 1
Office Fax: 636-397-1421

 Father John Schneier  Pastor  x 223
 Father Bob Suit  Retired, In Residence  x 225
 Father Joe Wormek  Associate Pastor  x 231
 Deacon Jorge Perez  Permanent Deacon  x310
 Mrs. Paula Loehrer  Business Manager  x 304
 Mrs. Emily Banks  Director of Liturgy and Music  x 302
 Ms. Caitlyn Ulery  Coordinator of Youth Ministries  x 227
 Mrs. Beth Wade  Parish Secretary  x 221
 Mrs. Jerrie Edler  Bulletin Editor  x 221
 Ms. Beth Loeffler  Admin Asst/Bookeeper  x 229
 Mrs. Natalie Myles  Marketing and Communications Specialist  x 312

School Office Phone Numbers

Office Phone: 636-397-1440 ext. 2
Office Fax: 636-970-3735

 Dr. Melvin Bishop  Principal  x 234
 Mrs. Sandy Mueller  School Secretary  x 232
 Mrs. Natalie Myles  Marketing, Enrollment, and Communications Specialist  x 312

Religious Education Office

Office Phone: 636-397-1440 ext. 228
Office Fax: 636-397-1421

 Mrs. Karla Perez  Coordinator of Religious Education and PSR  x 228

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact us below. If you want to register as a parishioner, please fill out the Parish Registration Form.
