Returning to the Church?

Welcome Home!


It does not matter if you’ve been away from the Catholic Church for a few months or many years, we at All Saints are always ready to welcome you! Our merciful God is always ready to welcome you.

You may have felt a tug in your heart calling you to rediscover the Catholic faith. The first step is recognizing that tug as your Heavenly Father yearning for your return to the Church. We invite you to take a further step of going to confession. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered at All Saints every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m., Saturday from 4:00-4:45 p.m., or any time by appointment. 

The next step is to return to the routine of worshiping at weekly Mass. By going to Mass, you are able to experience Christ’s presence in the liturgies and carry that presence out into the world. Our community grows by worshipping and praying together—we would love to grow with you! The Mass schedule for All Saints can be found on our home page.

Our community is full of people excited to help you along your journey back home. For example, you may wish to discuss your return with one of our parish priests. To do so, please contact the Parish Office at 636-397-1440, ext. 221. To learn more about what we believe as Catholics, you may be interested in one of the various bible studies, mini-retreats or other programs and discussion groups offered by our Adult Faith Development Committee. To connect to your Catholic peers, please see our pages about our Youth, Young Adult, and Adult Faith ministries. Finally, our parish calendar is full of events, retreats, bible studies, and prayer services that will help you strengthen your personal relationship with Jesus and the Church he founded. 

By coming home, you will experience great love and acceptance—not only from this community at All Saints, but also from your Father of mercy and love.

I would like to tell all those who feel far from God and the church — and I say this respectfully to those who are afraid or indifferent: The Lord calls you and wants you to be part of his people and does so with great respect and love!

"The Lord doesn’t proselytize, he gives love and this love looks for you, waits for you — for you who don’t believe or have drifted away. This is the love of God." ~ Pope Francis