Parish School of Religion

Our PSR program at All Saints includes weekly classroom instruction for K-8th grade taught by great team of Catechists who come and share the love of Christ each Wednesday evening to serve, pray with, and teach our children. They bring with them years of experience, a heart full of love, and passion for their faith to our students.  The overall goal of all religious instruction is aimed at each child encountering the person of Jesus Christ and developing their lifelong relationship them.  We strive for complete intimacy and communion with Jesus Christ.

Parish School of Religion  †  Mission Statement

With God at our center, we work together to foster our Catholic faith, form community, and live service through relationship, sacrament, prayer and worship.

Open Enrollment for 2025-26 Wednesday evening PSR Classes

Enrollment for 2025-26 coming soon.

Sacramental Preparation

Each environment plays an essential role in preparing a child to receive the sacraments: the home, the parish, and religion classes.  The role of the parents is irreplaceable, as parents are entrusted as the primary educators of their children and serve as first and foremost models of the faith.  Therefore, all sacramental preparation begins in the home.  Through religion classes, student receive necessary religous instruction and come to know the basic doctrines of the Catholic faith and the person of Jesus Christ.  Finally, the parish prepares its candidates for fruitful reception of the Sacraments, by promoting prayer and participation in the life, mission, and work of the Church.

First Reconciliation & First Communion

The sacrament of First Reconciliation takes place during the second grade year.  Preparation for Reconciliation is centered around understanding God's mercy and forgiveness as students prepare to confess their sins and receive absolution.  Students wishing to receive these Sacraments in their second grade year must be enrolled the year prior as well, beginning in the first grade.

First Communion takes place towards the end of the second grade year, after Reconciliation.  Students will become familiar with the order of the Mass and basics of prayer as they prepare to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist.  As the Eucharist is the "source and summit" of the Catholic faith, adequate preparation is necessary, which begins in the first grade.  If your child is entering second grade and has not had prior religious instructions, please contact Mrs. Karla Perez to determine if they can be placed in the second grade sacramental program.


The preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation is a 2-year program.  The sacrament is received toward the end of the second preparation year.  It is not a graduation or completion, rather, a strengthening of faith and a sending forth to proclaim and defend the Kingdom of God.  Preparation for Confirmation is ongoing from the time First Communion is received until the eighth grade year.  Other than completing the religion curriculum, elements of preparation include (but are not limited to) choosing a sponsor, choosing the name of a recognized saint, Christian service, and participation in a retreat.  If your child is entering 8th grade desiring Confirmation and has missed the previous year or more of religious instruction, your child will begin in the Confirmation 1 year and then proceed to Confirmation 2.  I you have questions, please contact Mrs. Karla Perez |

Students seeking the sacraments out of the standard sequence years

Any students seeking sacraments out of sequence with the standard years, must have attended at a minimum of 1 year of an approved religious instruction program.  Preparation for specific sacraments will begin with an initial interview meeting and then special classes when available during their second year of PSR.  These classes will include the parents. Initial inquiries should be made with Deacon Jorge Perez or Mrs. Karla Perez.

Love Sharing Your Faith with Kids and Families? 

If you feel called to catechize to the young people of our parish please call the Religious Education Department today.  We'd love to have you onboard.  Contact Us!

Who is a Catechist:  from the words of Pope Francis, "Catechists are people who keep the memory of God alive; they keep it alive in themselves and they are able to revive it in others."

Is this you? Would you love to engage in your vocation as a Catechist by becoming part of the Parish School of Religion family?

We are comprised of parishioners ON FIRE with the love of Christ.  We are professional and non-professional teachers, people with experience in the Lay Pastoral Formation program,  OCIA adapted for children, Youth Ministry, other ministries, experienced veterans and excited beginners. We are people who live and love our vocation and are mindful of God's love and desire to awaken this in others.

We have a variety of resources to guide and assist you: Catechist Manuals, Lesson Plans, trainings, meetings, prayer experiences and much more.  We encourage enrollment in VLCFF classes (online version of Paul VI) to enrich or assist with skills in Classroom Management, Lesson Planning, Prayer Experiences, Faith Formation and more.

The Office of Child and Youth Protection Agency Safe Environment Program

All adults working with children and youth within the Archdiocese of St. Louis are required to register on the Prevent and Protect website and comply with all requirements which include a workshop in Protecting God's Children and background check. We take the safety of our youngest parishioners, your children, very seriously and appreciate your cooperation in the efforts made in keeping them safe. Learn more about it here.

Questions and Enrollment Information

Contact Karla Perez at or call 636-397-1440 x228.

PSR Fees and Tuition Payment Link