Parish School of Religion (PSR)

Contact:Karla Perez 636-397-1440 ext. 228

Mission Statement: With God at our center, our mission is to work together as parents, catechists, and administrators to catechize and evangelize our young people in the Catholic Faith. In an atmosphere of prayer and worship, surrounded by dedicated volunteers, our faith is fostered, community is formed, and service is proclaimed. While God nourishes our life through the Eucharist and the other sacraments, we strive to live out the Gospel values with gladness of heart.

Parishioners are encouraged to participate in this ministry in a variety of ways:

First and mainly through prayer.

Duties: To pray regularly for all those involved in PSR, especially for the catechists and students.

Time Commitment: Flexible.

Special Skills: None needed.

As a Catechist

Duties: Prepare/follow a lesson for the students to be engaged for the 75 minute class period learning about the Catholic Faith, Scripture, basic doctrine of the Church. Pray with the children. Prepare them for sacraments.

Time Commitment: Wednesday nights from 5:40-7:30 from late August to early May plus preparation time each week. Two initial meeting for all catechists.

Special Skills: Certified teacher, Paul VI certification or actively working towards certification. Must be compliant with Protecting God’s Children. Knowledgeable on Church doctrine. Ability to operate a Smartboard. Love for Christ and children.

As an Aide

Duties: To arrive 15 minutes before class to help prepare the room for the children. Assist the catechist in bringing the children from the parish center to the classroom, help in assigned duties agreed by the catechist and aide, and clean up the room with the adult after the class has ended.

Time Commitment: Wednesday nights from 5:40-7:30 from late August to early May. One initial meeting for all aides. One Saturday seminar, choose either Fall or Spring.

Special Skills: 9th grade to adult. Must be in compliance with Protecting God’s Children. Have patience and willingness to bring the love of Christ to the children.

As a Parent Volunteer

Duties: Positions will vary. Office positions include basic duties such as copying, sorting, etc. Hall monitors are needed, duties include picking up the attendance records, escorting children to church with their catechist, etc. Special events will require many adult volunteers, those duties will vary, such as driving for field trips, serving beverages and snacks on retreats, working at Fish Fries and fundraisers, etc.

Time Commitment: Wednesday nights from 5:40-7:30 from late August to early May.

Special Skills: Various skills as needed. Must be compliant with Protecting God’s Children.

As a PSR Board Member

Duties: To take part in the decision making process for purchases with the fundraising proceeds to benefit the program, including the catechists and students. To assist in planning and organizing family events emphasizing God and the importance of our Faith. The board will further the mission of PSR to ensure its success.

Time Commitment: Three meetings throughout the school year, dates agreeable with the CRE.

Special Skills: Must be compliant with Protecting God’s Children. Knowledgable of parish life, vested interest in the religious education of children, and fundraising tasks.