Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Contact: Religious Education Office 636-397-1440 ext. 228

Mission Statement: To serve all children 3 years to completion of 5th grade. To have an opportunity to share the Word of God with children at their level through their language, engaging in prayer, games, crafts, and activities.

Parishioners are encouraged to participate in this ministry in a variety of ways:

First and importantly through prayer

Duties: To pray regularly for all those involved in VBS, especially for the coordinators, volunteers and children.
Time Commitment: Flexible.
Special Skills: None needed.

As an Adult Leader

Duties: Monitor the teen volunteers and the children present.
Time Commitment: From 8:30-12:20 Monday through Friday of the scheduled week of VBS. One initial meeting before VBS begins.
Special Skills: Provide a safe, positive, fun experience for the young children. Must be compliant with Protecting God’s Children. Love for Christ and children.

As a Group Leader

Duties: To lead in various activities for Vacation Bible School. Activities would include Games, Snack, Bible Adventure, Crafts and Movie. Monitor the teen volunteers and the children present. Prepare the presentation and clean up with the teen volunteers.
Time Commitment: From 8:30-12:20 Monday through Friday of the scheduled week of VBS. One initial meeting before VBS begins.
Special Skills: 6th grade to adult. Must be in compliance with Protecting God’s Children. Have patience and willingness to bring the love of Christ to the children.

As an Adult Volunteer

Duties: Set up and take down the VBS props, help with registration on the first day of VBS, clean up general areas used by VBS on a daily basis, assist with any necessary preparations prior to VBS week.
Time Commitment: From 8:30-12:20 Monday through Friday of the scheduled week of VBS. Various times for set up and take down of the VBS props. One initial meeting before VBS begins.
Special Skills: 8th grade to adult. Must be in compliance with Protecting God’s Children. Have patience and willingness to work with the coordinators.

As part of the Ensemble

Duties: Play music as the children come to the VBS program each morning and as they leave each day. Provide music as the leaders introduce the songs used for VBS that year.
Time Commitment: 8:30-9:00 and 11:50-12:10 each day of VBS, practice as needed to prepare for the music to be played. A variety of songs to be discussed and agreed upon with the coordinators.
Special Skills: Variety of musicians and singers. Must be in compliance with Protecting God’s Children. Be enthusiastic, energetic and joyful about bringing the Word of God to the children through song.

As Hospitality

Duties: Provide snacks for the children, teens and volunteers during the week of VBS.
Time Commitment: None specific.
Special Skills: Cheerful, willingness to clean up after children.