Christian Initiation of Children

Contact: Karla Perez 636-397-1440 x228

Mission Statement: The Christian Initiation of Children is to include the whole family. Through Family Sessions and Breaking Open the Word (children only) on Sundays, the children prepare for the Initiation Sacraments through a fitting formation accommodated to the liturgical year and enriched by celebrations of the Word leading to a suitable knowledge of the teachings and also an intimate understanding of the mystery of salvation. They discover how to be followers of Jesus, how to live by faith, and discern how they will use their gifts for the service of others.

Children ages 8-14 are welcome to this process with the support of their parents and Godparents.

Parishioners are encouraged to participate in this ministry in a variety of ways:

First and largely through prayer

  • Duties: To pray regularly for all those involved in the process, including the catechumens, catechists, parents, and godparents.
  • Time Commitment: The Family Sessions are the 2nd and 4th Sundays during the months of September - May, from 9:00 - 10:00 AM. The Breaking Open the Word sessions are each Sunday between 10:00 and 10:30 AM, after being dismissed from the 9:00 am Church Mass.
  • Special Skills: none needed.

As a Certified Catechist

  • Duties: Prepare a lesson plan, carry it out in an engaging way for the children to learn about the faith. Share your faith and knowledge about God according to the doctrine of the Church.
  • Time Commitment: Two to three Sunday mornings for one hour, September to May, plus preparation time.
  • Special Skills: Must be certified by Paul VI Institute or actively working towards certification. Must be willing and able to share faith and authentic Catholic teaching on a child’s level. Must be compliant with Protecting God’s Children. Ability to use a Smartboard is desired.