Quilting Ministry and Quilt Sale

Quilting: LaVerne Wehmeyer 636-279-1715 wehmeyerlaverne@yahoo.com
Quilt Sale: Clarice Daugherty

Mission Statement: To produce beautiful hand-made quilts that are used for the socials of the parish or other parish fundraisers.

Duties: All aspects of assembling a quilt: hand embroidery, cross stitch, or pieced quilt tops. Mark quilt top using templates. Cut and press points for the quilt edge. Hand stitch layers together. Bind the edges of a finished quilt.

Time Commitment: Monday during the day or Wednesday afternoons for group quilting. Opportunity for individuals to embroider or cross stitch blocks, put quilt tops together or cut and press points in your own home.

Special Skills: Pressing, sewing either by machine or hand; tracing templates. Quilters will gladly teach willing newcomers.